About Me ♥ Diane Frances McCarthy
Capturing moments on film, the energies in time, has been something I have enjoyed as far back as I can remember. In the late 1960s I began my photographic journey with a Polaroid camera and then a 35mm camera, always keeping my fingers crossed for quality photos.
I was blessed to have been an elementary school teacher for 33 years ~ with 20 of those years as a special education teacher. Throughout those years the children were my most prized subjects to photograph. I delighted in sharing the photos with the students and their families. Many magical moments were captured on film during these years.
In 2003 I purchased my first digital camera. Many of the early photos were deleted because they appeared ‘washed out with light’ or had ‘too much glare’. It wasn’t until a trip to Sedona, Arizona in November 2011 that I had my awakening as to what my photos were all about. It was in Sedona that I understood that there was nothing wrong with the deleted photos, in fact, they were treasures! The photographic ‘flaws’ were actually images of energies. This was a turning point in my life as an Orb and Energy photographer.

Love & Appreciation to
Hannah Keiffert
Today my inspiration for photography comes from our planet Earth and the miracles that surround us. These wonders bring about a sense of awe, love and deep gratitude that show themselves in many forms and colors through my camera lens. The human eye can see approximately one percent of what is in our current realm. My cameras show us what is beyond that one percent and opens doors to other realms that surround us. It is truly an experience of seeing with my heart.
It is with much love and gratitude that I thank my family and friends for their encouragement and support as I embark on this portion of my journey to bring the gifts of my photos to you.